Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Did you vote?

The link to www.yeswecansong.com <http://www.yeswecansong.com>

Monday, February 04, 2008

Ran the half marathon yesterday and did ok. My actual time was around 1:28:30 since it took almost a minute to get to the starting line. It's a huge pet peeve when slow people start at the front and not in the pace area they'll be running. I tend to not get angry but there was this one moron who was actually pushing people out of the way. The last 3 miles were the most miserable I've been in a run, way too windy, too wet, and too cold. Thought I was going to get hypothermia on the walk back to the car. Pat and I spent 15 minutes in the car with the heat full blast trying to get feeling in our hands and feet. My goal was to get under 1:30 and I did it but I've still got a ways to go before Boston. This run was an ego check as there were a lot faster people ( 168 faster than me :)

Kaiser half marathon
Originally uploaded by john hayato