Tuesday, October 30, 2007

1 Year

I have officially been working in San Francisco for a year. Where did the time go?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

2007 Nike Womens Marathon

先週の日曜日、今年の3回目のフールマラソンを走りました。ゆっくり走る予定でしたので、時間はあんまりきにしなかった。でも、2キロぐらいから、アキレス腱が変なかんじでした。やめるぐらい痛かったけど、ハーフまで頑張ろうと思った。今まで、やめるの気持ちが経験なかったから、びっくりしました。ハーフのところは1時間55分ぐらいかかって、最後まで走るを決めた。最後の18キロ、知らない可愛い女の子と走りました。そういえば、このマラソンはNike Womens Marathon でしたから、ほとんど女性でした。2万人の中男性は500名ぐらいしか走らなかった。この可愛い女性と走って、Janelって言う人は今まで早い時間で完走しました。


This past weekend I ran in the Nike Womens marathon. I was treating it as a training run since I'm hoping to do well at the California International Marathon in Dec. It was a bit awkward as out of 19,000 plus runners, only a couple hundred were guys. My achilles was really bugging me from the start and I considered dropping out but decided to at least push it to the halfway point. By mile 13, my achilles was feeling better so I decided to finish the race. I ended up running with a nice woman from San Diego for the last 8-9 miles. The only problem is now my achilles has been acting up and I also have shin splints on my left shin probably due to change in running style during the first half of the marathon. I'm getting it checked out this Friday and will be taking a couple days off from running. I do have a triathlon in a couple weeks and the marathon in December so I'm a little nervous about it all.

PS, I probably shouldn't have worn a "Strongman" shirt to a womens marathon but it's my racing shirt so friends can find me in the crowds. Oh well, nobody gave me too much grief about it.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Team Goya

So Team Goya is an elite triathlon club in Okinawa.  I was wearing the shirt at an event in San Francisco and a friend took a picture of the shirt (and me).  She's pretty good with photoshop. 
Love it.

John Hayato Branderhorst

Friday, October 12, 2007

Newsweek.com on MSNBC Article: Giving Peace a Chance

I'm not sure what the effects of the letter that Muslim leaders wrote to Christian leaders will be but I believe that it's a good start.  I tend to be a bit idealistic when it comes to some of my views and I know that just writing a letter isn't going to bring about change unless the words are followed by action but if it brings about even a smidgeon of peace then I consider it a success. 

Giving Peace a Chance
In an unprecedented letter, Muslim leaders across the globe invite the world's Christians to the table.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

NYTimes.com: Okinawans Protest Japan's Plan to Revise Bitter Chapter of World War II

My friend Pat told me about this article and I thought I'd share. 

The New York Times E-mail This

Okinawans Protest Japan's Plan to Revise Bitter Chapter of World War II
In new high school textbooks, the Japanese government is now denying that Okinawans had been coerced by troops into committing mass suicide during World War II.


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John Hayato Branderhorst