For only the 3rd time, the finals of the Asian Cup will be between two Middle Eastern countries. Japan lost to Saudi Arabia and South Korea lost on PKs to Iraq.
Iraq making it into the finals is uplifting for a country that has seen so much hardship in the past couple of years. It should have been an opportunity to celebrate but as thousands of people took to the streets, two suicide bombers took the lives of over 50 people with scores more being injured in the bombings. To add to the bombings, a number of people have also been killed in celebratory gunfire. Bullets really should be a lot more expensive.
I hope Iraq does well in the final but I'm also scared to think what will happen if they win.
Suicide bombers: I just don't get it. Can somebody please enlighten me? I have a feeling that whatever explanation I'm given, it won't really matter. I just won't get it.
AND in cycling news, another one bites the dust. This time it was Italian Cristian Moreni. Unlike others, Cristian admitted to the wrongdoing and didn't request a b-sample. I tell you what, them cyclists sure do love their testosterone. And when caught, I love how they blame it on the steak and beer they had the night before.