Friday, August 03, 2007

Do you know how good you have it?

We've all seen in the news lately how the bridge in Minnesota collapsed or troops dying in Iraq.  Such stories are the subject of conversations when we talk of death or destruction but we don't really talk about what's going on in other parts of the world.  Did you know that there is massive flooding going on in South Asia?  Here are some highlights from a story I just read on ( :

  • Millions affected in South Asia by what U.N. calls "worst floods in memory"
  • Officials say more than 1,000 killed or injured
  • India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal all hit by rising waters
I can't imagine what those people are going thru.  I know that we have the same natural disasters here in the states but we truly are lucky to have assistance in such cases.  It never even occurred to me that along with landslides and disease, they also have to worry about snakebites. 
Really puts things into perspective.