Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Tired 疲れてる

My body just isn't listening to me. I'm trying to get into a good routine now that I've been back in the states for a month but it's a bit more difficult than I anticipated. With me trying to get injury free yet train for my next race, Wildflower half ironman on May 2, adjusting to the time zone change, change in my work schedule... well, you get the point. Last night for some reason I couldn't fall asleep but it was a blessing in disguise as I got to finish the book I was reading, Kafka on the Shore, and also had a moment of clarity for a project I'm going to start working on. It's not necessarily anything that will work out but it's always fun to find something you're excited about. I'll write more once I get a better idea of what and how I'd like to go forward with this idea but to give you an idea: it's a cute, positive, web based idea that may or maynot incorporate NPOs. So in another words, I won't be looking to get rich off it ;) Make the world a better place :)