This past weekend was a rare one. I walked around in shorts and a t-shirt not only during the day but also at night. On Sunday and Monday I even slept with my windows open, also a first since moving out here. But alas, all good things must come to an end. Last night, a bit before sunset the air got cooler and a thick fog rolled into the bay. It's amazing how quickly the fog came. One cool thing I noticed is how the fog seemed to stay over the water and not come onto land. It reminded me of how Storm, from X-men, created fog when they flew to the Statue of Liberty. I had a great view from my apartment and took some photos.
In other news, I've started training again. Next big race will be June 24 and it will be a triathlon starting at Alcatraz. It will be a 1.5 mile swim, 2.5 mile run, 13 mile bike, and a 10 km run. I've been swimming in the bay lately and although it's freezing (50's) my only real complaint is the neck rash I get from my wetsuit. It looks like a hiki (sp?) and although I put vaseline on my neck it still rubs. Next time I swim I'm also going to wear a rash guard, I guess. The running is going ok but my right foot is still sore from the marathon so lots of icing. Haven't really gotten on the bike much lately but I have been doing a couple of spinning classes which are fun.
先週の週末は暑かったです!朝も昼も夜も暑かったです。これは珍しいですよ。San Franciscoはいつも涼しい所です。昨日まですごいいい天気でした。今日は晴れてるけど寒くなってる。昨日の夕方、すごい霧を見ました。霧が来た時、寒くなった。霧が来るのは早かった!今週からちゃんとトレイニングを始まった。6月24日にトライアスロンあるから、頑張ります。次のトライアスロンはもともと刑務所、Alcatrazから始まる。Alcatrazから1.5マイルを泳いで、2.5マイルを走って、13マイルを自転車乗って、最後に10キロを走ります。下に霧の写真あります。