Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm one of those guys who gets sick easily whether it be a common cold, stomach problems, or the flu. I'm also an elementary school teacher so I have to be extra careful as kids aren't the cleanest specimens on this earth. Which brings me to my current dilemma. I'm currently training for a Strongman triathlon so my body is more tired than usual. I can't afford to get sick as the triathlon is less than 2 months away. I'm trying to be careful about my sleep, what i eat, stress, anything that can hurt my training. Well, I teach at 2 schools on Mondays and when i got to my afternoon school today I learned that out of 111 students, 23 are absent with the flu. Now when I hear that 1/5 of the students are sick alarms go off in my head telling me to run away. Not only are 23 kids sick but out of my 5th period class of 19 students, 9 are absent. That scares the crap out of me. Yes, maybe it's my fault but today I am more tired than usual after running a race and playing a soccer tourney in the rain yesterday. So I did what any normal person would do and postponed the class. Now, maybe if I wasn't so worried about getting sick I would have taught but it also turned out that my lesson for today's class includes many stickers being given away. Would it be fair if next week the sick kids came back to school and found that they had missed out on the funnest class of the year? I think not, so that is why we will all be able to enjoy playing a wonderful game in 2 weeks with lots of prizes and English. Unless of course, I'm sick with the flu. Well, hope everyone stays healthy and full of vigor. Remember to wash your hands, dry them on your pants, gargle green tea, and wear gloves and a mask.