Friday, October 24, 2008

Gmail functions
If you know me and we haven't spoken in ages, chances are we have at least communicated via email, text, or some social networking service (Facebook, LinkedIn...) I have all my emails forwarded to one address to save time and password headaches but with all that information piling up in one place it can be hard to parse thru it and focus on the urgent/ work emails. Like many of you, I use Gmail as my main email provider and have been very happy. First things first, threading of emails has been a life saver for me as it keeps most of my emails together and I don't have to search through them as much to find an email that I'm looking for. But this posting is about something else rather than the functions that are great but boring... If any of you are interested, there are many applications that Google is coming up with to make your email experience more efficient and easy to use. Just go to the settings link on the top right and then click on labs. A bunch of choices are there for you whether they be fun options or "serious" ones. One that I learned about this week is called Mail Goggles. How many of you have ever drunk dialed somebody at a time you shouldn't be making phone calls or called somebody you shouldn't be calling? Yeah, me too. In this day and age, you now have to worry about drunk texting or drunk emailing. One of Google's engineers decided to tackle that issue. "When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you're really sure you want to send that late night Friday email. And what better way to check than by making you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you're in the right state of mind?"